IN: DIALOG#ingoethe represented a pivot opportunity for the OTYNET team. Not only was the space enitrely different in size and technical ability in comparison to our Bez Valley space - but we had a much more complicated subject at hand to discuss. 

Gender Based Violence.

Although the topic was touched on at the Bez Valley In Dialog it was clear that we were ill prepared to deal with the topic of safe space - despite our intent on creating it. We were called out for triggering through image - as well as a lack of security for Queer bodies - we failed - but we focused on redeeming ourselves through dedicating the next one entirely to the topic of Gender and asking the public and artists - How might we use technology to overcome boundaries relating to breakdown of safety for all.

This was an exercise in how we might transform potential waste into postive social change. A practice in the service of digitising space & recovering potential lost. 

Thank you to Nikki Zakkas for her brilliant photography of the night.

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